Giving up favorite foods is one of the hardest parts of maintaining a diet. For many, passing on the pizzas, cheeseburgers, and salty snacks feels less like a simple lifestyle change and more like Mission: Impossible. But there is hope. Plenty of delicious foods can help lower your blood pressure naturally. Staples include whole grains, lean protein, fruits, vegetables, and nuts, but other, more surprising options exist, and they are just as good for you. Healthy eating doesn’t have to be drab. Here are some surprising foods to lower your blood pressure.

Coffee lovers rejoice! According to the Mayo Clinic, you don’t have to sacrifice your daily coffee if you’re trying to lower your blood pressure. Lattes and other coffee drinks can be heart-healthy. Choose low-fat beverages that align with the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet. To make sure your coffee drinks fit the bill, opt for brown sugar or sugar-free sweeteners, sugar-free syrups, fat-free whipped toppings, and fat-free or low-fat milk and creamers. Low-fat dairy is one of the best food groups to help lower blood pressure as it provides extra calcium (which lowers blood pressure) and protein without excess fat. Because a latte is made primarily of steamed milk, this is a great way to get a serving or two of beneficial dairy. Tip: If you are caffeine sensitive and notice blood pressure spikes or other negative impacts, replace regular espresso or coffee with decaffeinated.

The main active ingredient in garlic is allicin, a heart-healthy compound that can also reduce inflammation. Because of this, garlic supplements are a popular natural remedy to fight high cholesterol and blood pressure. In one study of adults with high blood pressure, those who took garlic supplements saw an average reduction of eight points in systolic blood pressure and five points less in diastolic blood pressure. Not only does garlic harbor unexpected health benefits, but it’s also a tasty way to flavor dishes without adding more salts or fats. Try garlic on savory seafood, meats, pasta, vegetables, soups, and more.

Frozen Yogurt
One of the most common struggles in dieting is having to forgo desserts, but not so fast. As previously mentioned, low-fat dairy is an excellent food group for a heart-healthy diet. Opting for an unsweetened, low-fat frozen yogurt topped with fruit (another blood-pressure-lowering food group) is a treat you can feel good about. Just be sure to watch the added sugar content on the label of the frozen yogurt. In addition to blood-pressure-lowering calcium, yogurt products are fermented, which means they contain gut-healthy beneficial bacteria. Look for frozen yogurt brands that label their products as containing live and active cultures.
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Cinnamon isn’t just a tasty spice to top your latte or oatmeal with; it’s a powerful plant-based food that has been used for centuries in traditional medicine to treat heart conditions. In a review of nine studies, participants who regularly consumed cinnamon saw a reduction in systolic and diastolic blood pressure by an average of 6.2 mm Hg and 3.9 mm Hg, respectively. Moreover, in animal studies, cinnamon controls blood pressure by dilating and relaxing the blood vessels. Add cinnamon to desserts, drinks and smoothies, oats, and more to get your daily dose of this heart-healthy food.

Most of us have likely heard of the health benefits of fermented foods, especially that they’re chock full of probiotics, which are crucial to a healthy gut microbiome. However, fermented foods are also good for other parts of your body, including your circulatory system. According to a review in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, consuming fermented foods such as sauerkraut, yogurt, kombucha, kimchi, kefir, miso, apple cider vinegar, and tempeh can help lower blood pressure and improve cholesterol.
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