Countless idioms warn us against associating money with contentment: money is the root of all evil, money doesn’t grow on trees, and penny-wise and pound-foolish. However, a recent survey showed that 59% of Americans believe money can buy happiness. Having enough money to ease financial worries may help you live a more stress-free life, but how much money is “enough”? We analyzed this survey to determine just how much money Americans need to be happy, and the answers are surprising.

The Survey
In 2023, financial planning firm Empower surveyed more than 2,000 adult Americans regarding wealth and happiness. While the average American can easily put a price on happiness, what makes us happy varies depending on factors like gender, generation, and financial bracket. Americans favor incremental financial successes and are much more optimistic about the future than you might assume.

What the Average American Believes
The average American believes that a net worth of $1.2 million and an annual salary of $284,167 is enough to feel happy and financially secure. However, there’s quite a variance between the sexes; men believe they need to earn a salary of roughly $100,000 more than the average, while women feel financially secure even if they earn $100,000 less than the national average.
Seventeen percent of the people surveyed believe that happiness and net worth are directly correlated, with many respondents finding joy in paying bills on time, being debt-free, and owning a home. However, for the average American, two things stand out in ensuring personal happiness: financial independence and the financial ability to care for their loved ones.

What Baby Boomers Believe
Baby Boomers (those born between 1946 and 1964) generally believe you need a net worth of $999,945 to ensure happiness. Boomers also feel content with the lowest annual salary of all the generations surveyed, at $124,165 annually. In terms of the most important financial issues, Baby Boomers value having enough money to care for themselves above all else, believing it’s more important than having enough money to pass on to others.
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What Generation X Believes
Gen Xers (those born from 1965 to 1980) believe they’d be happy with a net worth of $1,213,759. At the same time, people who belong to Generation X feel happy earning an annual salary of less than half the national average, at $128,084 annually. One of the most important financial concerns for Generation X is having enough money to retire by their desired age. However, most surveyed people feel they’re still short of reaching those retirement goals.

What Millennials Believe
Most Millennials (those born between 1981 and 1996) believe money can buy happiness. Of all the generations polled, Millennials believe that to be happy, you need to have a net worth of $1,699,571 and an annual salary of nearly double the national average, at $525,947. For Millennials, happiness is all about the little things. Many people who were polled say they find joy in being able to afford a $7 cup of coffee simply because it makes them feel better.

What Generation Z Believes
Generation Z (those born between 1997 and 2012) offers quite a contrast to the other generations, as they believe that a net worth of $487,711 is enough to guarantee happiness. Their salary expectations are also reasonably modest at $128,000, falling squarely between Boomers and Gen Xers. In general, Gen Zers aren’t bothered by financial concerns, as only 21% of them get anxious when comparing their finances to others — a number below the national average.
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