Like a heart-rending scene in an award-winning movie, you find tears streaming down your cheeks —but it has nothing to do with emotions. You’re simply chopping onions, one of the more physically uncomfortable kitchen tasks. We’ve all tried holding back onion-induced tears at some point, but did you know there’s a simple way to overcome that unpleasant weepy feeling? The next time your eyes start watering, keep this technique in mind.

Why Do Onions Make Us Cry?
Onions contain sulfur-rich amino acids that are harmless until the onion is sliced open. Seconds after cutting an onion, freshly released liquid enzymes combine with these amino acids to form a volatile compound called syn-Propanethial-S-oxide. This chemical evaporates and floats toward the eyes, irritating the tear ducts. Syn-Propanethial-S-oxide naturally tends to be drawn toward moisture, which is why it affects our moist eyeballs. Some people are more sensitive to these vapors than others, causing more tears and irritation.

Use a Damp Paper Towel to Stop Crying
To stop onion-induced tears, all you need is a damp paper towel. Before slicing into an onion, place a folded damp paper towel next to the onion on a cutting board. As you slice, the paper towel will draw the irritant away from your eyes since the vapor will be attracted to the closer moisture of the paper towel. As the syn-Propanethial-S-oxide is absorbed, you should notice fewer tears, if any.

Also Try These Options
While the damp paper towel trick should help on its own, here are a few other tricks of the trade:
• Chill your onion in the fridge before you slice it. The cold slows the release of liquid enzymes, stopping irritating compounds from forming.
• Light a candle next to your cutting board. The candle’s flame burns the vaporized gas as it travels through the air.
• Slice your onion under flowing cold water from the sink. This propels irritants downward and away from your eyes.
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