Winter can be difficult to bear without cranking your thermostat to its max. Setting the temperature higher may leave you feeling warm and toasty, but your utility bills can skyrocket. However, you don’t have to heat yourself out of house and home. There is an ideal temperature to set your thermostat to in the winter that will help you stay warm without a sky-high cost.

Setting Your Thermostat
The World Health Organization recommends maintaining a home temperature of 64.4 degrees Fahrenheit most of the year. In the winter, however, you can set your thermostat between 68 degrees Fahrenheit and 70 degrees Fahrenheit to combat the freezing temperatures outside. The U.S. Department of Energy considers this the optimal range for staying warm while maintaining reasonable levels of energy efficiency.
Keeping your thermostat in the high 60s or low 70s helps reduce heat loss — the warmer your home is on a cold winter’s day, the more quickly it will cool down. If your home cools down rapidly, your heater will keep turning on to catch up, using tons of energy.

Set the Thermostat Lower at Night
Setting your thermostat lower at night is a great way to save money and energy while you are bundled up in bed. Before hitting the sack, lower your thermostat by 10 to 15 degrees, ensuring it is not set below 55 degrees Fahrenheit to prevent your pipes from freezing. Schedule the thermostat to warm up to 70 degrees Fahrenheit for when you wake up. (Or adjust it manually when you wake up.) These hours of colder temperatures help save between 5% and 15% on annual heating bills and have the added benefit of helping you sleep better.
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