Having your car break down is a nightmare. Not only does it delay your trip, but sometimes it takes hours for roadside assistance to help you get back on your way — and in worst-case scenarios, then you have to deal with the hassle of fixing it, potentially being without a car for a few days. Essential tools like jumper cables and windshield scrapers are critical for any car owner. However, there are less common items that are just as worth storing in the trunk or glove compartment, making your life on the road much easier.
Prices are accurate as of September 5, 2024. Subject to change. All featured products and deals are selected independently and objectively by the author. Better Report may receive a share of sales via affiliate links in content.
WD-40 is one of the most versatile tools for any car owner. Use it to remove sticky substances, such as bumper sticker residue and gum. The spray also helps protect against corrosion, can loosen rusty knobs or handles, and wipes away bird poop and dead bugs on the windshield.

Emergency Water Pouches
Keeping water in your car is critical for emergency planning. If you find yourself stranded or in an emergency situation, water can be an essential resource. While bottles are bulky and take up space, emergency water packets are sanitary, safe, and store easily.

Car Escape Tool
If you are trapped in your car and cannot wait until help arrives, use this two-in-one car escape tool to cut your seatbelt, smash the window, and escape to safety. It can easily be stored in your glove compartment, center console, or on your keychain.
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Wool Blankets
There is an extra sense of panic if you break down during the cold weather. You want to keep the car running so the heat can stay on, but you run the risk of running out of gas. Wool blankets will help as you can wrap them around you and your passenger to stay warm while conserving gas.

Inflatable Car Mattress
Whether you want to camp in your car or become tired on a long drive, having an inflatable car bed on hand is worthwhile. These air mattresses are easy to inflate and fit snugly over a folded-down seat, offering a much more comfortable experience than curling up in the driver’s seat.

Cup Holder Adapter
Your favorite mug or water bottle may be too big for your car’s cup holder. However, you can extend the size of any cup holder with a cup holder adapter. They are simple to install and remove the hazard of keeping your cup tucked between your legs.

Seat Gap Fillers
Dropping your keys, coins, or phone between seats is equally annoying and dangerous. Seat gap fillers cover those holes, preventing small items from falling into hard-to-reach areas so you can focus on the road instead of reaching for whatever slipped through the cracks.

Hanging Trash Bag
Rather than throw empty fast food containers or any other trash on the floor, get a hanging garbage bag that attaches to the back of your headrest. The bags keep all your trash in one place, making it easy to collect and dispose of when you reach a garbage can.
Featured Image Credit: NicolasMcComber/ iStock
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