Whether you add a splash to a homemade salad dressing or combine it with baking soda to cut through the grime on your dishwasher, vinegar is an essential household item. Besides its antioxidants and uncanny ability to provide the perfect amount of tang to recipes, vinegar has a surprisingly wide variety of uses outside the kitchen, from cleaning to haircare.

Care For Your Windshield Wipers
Dirty windshield wipers can result in streaks of grime and debris across your field of vision. Instead of reaching for harsh chemical cleaners, periodically wipe them down with a rag soaked in distilled white vinegar. Vinegar helps remove build-up and restores wipers to their original state. That’s not all white vinegar can do — you can also spray windshields with vinegar on colder days to prevent frost.

Remove Dandruff
Vinegar is naturally antibacterial and antifungal, making it an excellent remedy against dandruff. While white vinegar might be too harsh on your scalp, apple cider vinegar is gentle and effective when used correctly. Combine five parts water with one part apple cider vinegar and apply the diluted solution directly to the scalp. Let it sit for 20 to 30 minutes before washing with water.

Freshen Flowers
You can extend the life of fresh flowers by several days with apple cider vinegar. Mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and two tablespoons of sugar with water to prevent rapid deterioration.
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Revitalize Rugs
Vinegar is a great tool for cleaning stains off of rugs and restoring their vitality. Create a solution of half water and half white vinegar and spray it on the carpet. Let the mixture soak in for 10 minutes before blotting the stain away.

Clean Coffee Makers
Coffee machines are one of the most neglected items in the kitchen when it comes to cleaning — but they’re easy to revive. Simply fill the water reservoir with white vinegar and run the coffee maker as usual to flush out bacteria and build-up. After cleaning, run the coffee maker two times with plain water to help eliminate any vinegary taste.

Open Jars
Sometimes, you just can’t open a stubborn jar, no matter how hard you try. Heat vinegar until warm, and then turn the jar upside down. Pour vinegar over the lip of the lid to expand and lubricate the seal. Flip the jar upright, and the top should pop right off.

Repel Insects
Vinegar doubles as an insect repellent and a treatment for bug bites. Rub apple cider vinegar on your skin before heading outdoors to deter mosquitoes. If you’ve already been bitten, dab white vinegar on the bite to help disinfect the region and lessen irritation.

Clean Shower Heads
Take a small plastic bag filled with equal parts water and vinegar and cover the shower head entirely. Secure the bag with a rubber band and let it soak for one hour to remove dirt. After removing the bag, scrub the shower head to remove any final traces of grime.
Featured Image Credit: sefa ozel/ iStock
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