A roll of toilet paper is one of the most vital items in your household, and social media has come up with various uses for this item that extend far beyond the bathroom, including one that involves putting a roll in the refrigerator. Despite what you may think, this isn’t a viral prank — placing toilet paper in the fridge actually has a practical benefit. Here’s why.

Toilet Paper is a Deodorizer
Refrigerators often develop excess moisture and mildew, creating a gross smell. Storing toilet paper in the fridge is a helpful way of cutting through unpleasant food odors. Placing a roll in the back of the refrigerator for up to three weeks will help soak up any moisture in the air and deodorize it.

Consider These Other Deodorizers
Of course, viral trends usually have their drawbacks. Toilet paper takes up valuable space in the fridge and is more costly — and wasteful — than other deodorizing options. Here are some other ways to deodorize your fridge:
• Place an opened box of baking soda in the back of the fridge. Replace it every three months.
• Soak a cotton ball with vanilla extract and place it in the fridge. The cotton will soak up some of the foul odors while releasing a pleasant smell.
• Wrap a handful of crushed charcoal inside a ball of crumpled old newspaper and place it in the back of the fridge. Replace it every three weeks.
Featured Image Credit: bymuratdeniz/ iStock
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