The phrase “one person’s trash is another person’s treasure” accurately describes the clutter in your house. Items that have been gathering dust for decades may be worth a hefty sum to the right collector, but people often fail to realize the potential they’re sitting on. Don’t assume your old VHS tapes and magazines are just taking up space — that “cheap junk” could be worth a ton of money. Here are 20 objects in your house that might be worth more than you think.

Vinyl Records
Most vinyl records belong in the dollar bin, but some deep cuts and rarities are worth life-changing money. Records by Prince, Pink Floyd, and Bruce Springsteen have sold for thousands of dollars, and a rare variant of the Beatles’ White Album once sold for a whopping $790,000. While these aren’t everyday occurrences, you might have a vinyl record worth hundreds of dollars.

Vintage Toys
It’s time to dust off the toybox in your attic. The last few years have seen a massive boom in collectors willing to pay a premium for childhood nostalgia. People of all generations are eager to shell out tons of cash for long-lost playthings, from dolls from the ‘50s to Pokémon cards from the ‘90s. Values skyrocket even higher if you have the original packaging or instructions — for example, a Gobbles the Turkey Beanie Baby with tags sold for $24,000 in 2021.

First-Edition Books
When J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit was first published in 1937, few people imagined how popular it would become. Today, people will pay thousands for first-edition copies of this fantasy classic and other vintage classics. To see if you have any literary gems on your hands, flip to the copyright page and see if the words “first edition” or “first printing” are on it.
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VHS Tapes
Almost no one watches VHS tapes anymore, but that doesn’t stop people from buying them for their collection. Sealed VHS tapes in their original packaging are especially valuable, with mint edition movies like Star Wars, Back to the Future, and Jaws worth thousands of dollars. If you have an original copy of any VHS tape, especially one in its original shrink wrap, consider sending it in for an appraisal at an auction house.

Cookie Jars
Many people care way more about what’s inside the cookie jar than the jars themselves. But vintage jars, especially those featuring Disney characters or designed to look like vintage cars, are worth a pretty penny on auction sites like eBay, often selling for $200 or more — specific designs like the American Bisque Mickey Mouse Cookie Jar, produced in the ‘30s, are worth several thousand at auction. There’s a major market for cookie jars, but remember that it depends entirely on the quality. Cracks and chips will drastically lower value, bringing the price down from several hundred dollars to pennies.

Retro Video Games
Retro video games are valuable to both nostalgics looking to relive their childhood and collectors willing to pay for copies in mint condition. A sealed copy of Super Mario Bros. once sold for $660,000, with many other games from the ‘70s, ‘80s, and ‘90s selling for thousands at auction. While many old games were mass-produced and are likely worth only a few dollars, you may be sitting on a goldmine if lucky.

Old Magazines
If you’ve got piles of old magazines stacked in the corner of your home, we have good news: Those old copies of Life magazine you originally purchased for a dollar may be worth $20 to $30 today. While that may seem like a small amount, it can add up in a major way if you own hundreds of old magazines. Old copies of magazines like The New Yorker and Vogue are also in high demand and might just net you a substantial payday – special editions regularly sell for $300 or more on eBay.

Signed Yearbooks
Did you go to school with someone famous who signed your yearbook? These early childhood signatures are worth a goldmine on the secondary market for those who collect celebrity signatures. A high school yearbook signed by Kobe Bryant even sold for $30,000 at auction in 2020.

Vintage T-Shirts
Old t-shirts are in high demand among vintage clothing collectors. While you might already be rummaging through your closet to see if there are any vintage threads from your old concert days, it’s not just band tees that are valuable. T-shirts featuring old advertisements, comic book characters, and even sports logos sell on eBay for thousands of dollars.

Original Tupperware
Original Tupperware has only increased in value over time. Wonderlier Bowls from the ‘40s and Astro Bowls from the ‘70s sell for around $30 each. While that amount may seem small, most people purchased their Tupperware in bulk and paid a fraction of what it sells for. You may be sitting on several hundred dollars worth of Tupperware that you can easily resell.

Vintage Cookbooks
Old cookbooks can be just as valuable as a first-edition novel. This is especially true if it was printed during the 18th or early 19th centuries, as those older books can be worth thousands of dollars. But even recent printings from the 20th century sell for a sizable sum. Early copies of Irma Rombauer’s The Joy of Cooking cost thousands of dollars on the resale market, and Betty Crocker’s Picture Cook Book is worth hundreds in quality condition. Even less desirable books from the mid-century are worth around $50 a pop.

Scout Memorabilia
There is a huge collector’s market for old scout memorabilia from both the Boy Scouts of America and Girl Scouts of the USA. If you or your child was ever a scout, or involved as a scout leader, pull those old vests and patches out of storage to see what you have on hand. In one case, an ultra-rare patch from 1947 sold at auction for $71,000! If you’re curious about the value of what you own, websites like Scout Patch Collectors can help you find a market and determine what the memorabilia is worth.

Holiday Ornaments
Vintage holiday ornaments are worth quite a bit of money to the right person, especially those that are Christmas-themed. Many rare Hallmark ornaments from as far back as the 1970s are worth over a hundred dollars each today. Vintage ceramic Christmas trees are also worth several hundred dollars, especially hand-painted ones. Glass tree toppers are another particularly valuable and desirable item if they’re in good condition.

Antique Rugs
Antique Oriental and Persian rugs are highly valuable depending on when they were made and if they were done by hand. Rugs created prior to World War I can net as much as $200 per square foot, and post-World War II rugs still sell for $50 per square foot. Rugs made by hand are often ten times as valuable as anything machine-made, so be sure to check whether your rug was mass-produced or not.

Classic Typewriters
It’s been a long time since computers largely displaced typewriters. But if you held onto your old typewriter, it may pay off in a big way for your bank account. Some early Underwood typewriters can sell for $1,000 depending on the year they were produced. Other popular brands like Remington have sold for as much as $27K on eBay! Even an older typewriter in rough condition is going to attract the eye of a keen buyer.

Retro Advertising
Retro advertising pieces are a hot commodity among people who crave that nostalgic feeling of their childhood. This includes vintage gas station signs, old Coke ads, and more. The cost of these pieces ranges wildly depending on condition, so if you have a sign that’s in pristine condition, you may be in for a big payday. If you’re curious about value, contact a local antique appraiser who may be able to assist.

Perfume Bottles
In 2022, a Lalique perfume bottle from 1912 sold at auction for $84,000. Other brands, like Lucien Gaillard and Julien Viard, have also sold in other auctions for the price of a new car. If you have any vintage perfume bottles, you may be in luck. Check the year it was manufactured because those from the early 20th century are worth far more than bottles produced more recently.

Pyrex Kitchenware
Pyrex was among the most popular kitchenware brands throughout the 20th century, making everything from cooking trays to measuring cups. The more vintage Pyrex you have in your collection, the higher the total value will be. For example, a four-piece mixing bowl set is worth $65 today. Rare decorative patterns can also sell for hundreds of dollars to the right buyer.

Cassette Tapes
It’s not just vinyl records that are worth a lot of money — cassette tapes have also seen a huge reassurance in recent years. Sealed cassette tapes are particularly valuable, and can fetch a higher resale price than tapes that have been opened. Acts from the ‘80s and ‘90s like the Smashing Pumpkins, Phish, and Eminem are particularly popular, as some of their old tapes have sold for upwards of $1,000. If you’re sitting on a large cassette tape collection, head to a local music resale shop and see what they offer. Just do some research beforehand so that you know if you’re being ripped off.

1980s Furniture
Style trends are cyclical, and many decades-old designs eventually see a resurgence in popularity. Today, furniture from the 1980s is particularly popular among buyers. Wooden shelves can sell for hundreds of dollars, armoires can net several hundred as well, and even those old laminated dining sets can sell for more than half a grand. So, if you’re looking to upgrade that old furniture from the 1980s, don’t just drag it to the curb. Somebody is probably willing to buy it from you at a premium price.
Featured Image Credit: Imgorthand/ iStock
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